Student Reviews
Boston College
"Our project, creating a one-pager on sexual assault response and resources on campus, was placed in all of the orientation folders given to the incoming freshman class over the summer. Orientation leaders and RAs were trained with it as well.
A____ and I would just really like to thank you for being an awesome professor and teaching your Intro to Feminisms class the way you did so this project could come into existence. If you're ever in the Boston area, we would love to meet up and grab coffee!"
-Boston College Student
La Chicana: Race, Gender, Mexican Americans in U.S. Society
Harvard University Fall 2014
"Professor Grigsby is one of the best professors I have had. She truly challenged us to do our best in the class and to enhance our learning through discussion, reading,and writing. She was always very passionate about the topics and used different ways to teach with videos, visuals, and group work. The discussions in class really facilitated the learning experience. This was one of the first classes at Harvard that I've taken where the readings really mattered and really contributed to the learning process. It was clear that each reading was handpicked and was important for learning purposes and not just busy work."
-Harvard University Student
Harvard University: Visiting Lecturer
Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Spring 2015
Race, Gender, & Criminality
12 Students. Upper Division Seminar
Fall 2014
La Chicana: Gender, Sexuality, and Mexican American Identity.
14 Students. Upper Division Seminar
Boston College: Adjunct Lecturer
Program in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Spring 2015
Introduction to Feminisms and Women’s Studies
44 Students. Gateway required course for minor.
University of Texas at Austin at Austin: Teaching Assistant
Department of Anthropology
Spring 2014
Black Americans and Education UGS
3 Sections 15 -18 students in each. Undergraduate Experience a special course with built-in modules for learning preference skill building.
Fall 2013
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
2 Sections 25 students in each.
University of California at Riverside: Lecturer
Department of Ethnic Studies
Winter 2012
African Diaspora & Black Thought
12 Students Seminar Requirement for African American studies track.
Fall 2011
Theories of Race & Resistance
44 Students. 101 advance course on key theories with in the field.
Fall 2011
African American History to 1865
42 Students. Historical survey course.
Winter 2012
U.S. 20 Century Black Social Movements
45 Students Upper Division special topics.
Fall 2012
Intro to African American Women’s History
112 Students Intro lower division survey course that satisfies writing, diversity, and elective requirements.
Fall 2012
The Civil Rights Movement 1959 - 1978
112 Students Intro lower division survey course that satisfies writing, diversity, and elective requirements.