Areas of Specialization

Race and Ethnicity • Urban Anthropology • Gender and Sexuality • Violence • African Diaspora
Economic and Social Inequalities • Crime • Health Disparities • U.S. Social Movements
Women’s Health and Community Organizing • Black Feminist Theory • Critical Race Theory

Current Academic Appointment

Haverford College: Assistant Professor of Anthropology 

Pennsylvania State University: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Africana Research Center & Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

About Juli

Born and raised in the Inland Empire of Southern California, a child of the freeways Juli grew up riding back and forth to Los Angeles with commuter parents looking to transition from South Central in the 1980’s. Her love for the disastrous and contradictory beauty of the city inspires both Juli’s photography and academic work. A proud Blaxican (Black and Mexican) and first generation college student multiple intersectionalities are mobilized to inform her intellectual, pedagogical, and social praxis.

She is a socio-cultural anthropologist and received her doctorate in 2014 from the University of Texas at Austin. The past recipient of Davis Putter Fellowships and a Humanities, Arts, Science, Technology & Advanced Collaboratory Scholar (HASTAC) her photographic work has appeared in the Black California Dreamin’ journal and at the Metro Art Gallery in Pomona, California. Juli is an U.S. based Anthropologist - her areas of expertise include critical race theory, feminist and queer theory, urban ethnography, violence, Women’s health and U.S Social Movements. Her current book project is Grim Sleeper: Gender, Violence, and Reproductive Justice in Los Angeles, which explores black women’s experiences of structural violence and blackwomen’s commitment to social transformation through reproductive justice.


Above Photo Credit: @CreativeCanon